My birthday is next week and I will be …..35! I have an amazing family and an adorable baby boy so life is good right? But then I started to wonder, what type of mom am I? Hmmm let's I that cool hip mom that wears the latest fashion and dresses her baby the same way? Wait, maybe I’m the mom who looks like every time she steps out with her baby, she’s rushing – hair in disarray, clothes falling off, etc. Or maybe I’m the mom that all the kids in the neighborhood want to come to pooters house and play because he has the coolest mom. Wait, what if I’m a gadget mom that has to have all of the latest toys, clothes, and baby items.
Come to think of it, what would pooter think about me if he could voice his opinion? As I approach my birthday I really thought about the type of mom that I am and I realized a lot. I represent all of those moms I described depending on the day of the week and that’s okay.
The important thing is I’m a mom, a new mom at that and I want the best for pooter. So at times do I look crazy in the grocery store like I just ran a marathon – probably so. Are there times when I look well put together and pooter does too (I would like to think so). Am I that gadget mom that needs the latest baby items – I think my husband will shout from the mountain top “YES” on that one. And am I that cool mom – um…that remains to be seen.
What type of mom are you?
love this post.. i think in my head, i would like to consider myself to be a fashionable mom, who so in the know on what's hot now, but in the real world, like you i am everything you described above and then some :-)