How was you’re week? My week was hectic, I’m in the middle of trying to find child care for pooter and that’s no easy task as I'm sure you all know.
On a positive note, it was raining in the DC area on Saturday so I was trying to decide where to take pooter to get him out a little bit. We decided to go to Rollie Pollie which is this kids gym in the area. Boy did he or should I say we (parent's have fun too:) have a good time. We put him on the slide, he got on the balance beem, moon bounce, you name it we went on it. Pooter was drooling and bouncing all over the place, he was thrilled. I can’t believe how fast he’s growing up. Most of the kids were toddlers walking and running around and we were holding pooter as he can’t walk yet. I kept thinking I need to cherish these moments because time just goes by. Take a look at the photos with pooter and his dad.
How was your weekend?
He looks so cute! It was raining here too! Great weekend for some major spring cleaning!