Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

I had a wonderful first mothers day and I hope you did too. My day started with breakfast being made which was wonderful followed by my gift which I loved. My gift was a digital camera! I lost my previous camera and haven’t been able to take pictures of pooter so you know that was devastating. The pictures I’ve been posting are a few weeks old but now I’m back in business so I’m happy.
The afternoon was filled with more excitement, we took pooter to the animal farm and nature park and he had a blast. This was his first time experiencing this and it was a joy to see. Pooter was amazed at the animal farm – but he was not happy when he saw the peacocks, otherwise he was okay. (see the pictures below)
The funny thing was that although today was “Mothers Day”, my joy was in seeing my child have  fun at the park. I took a moment to reflect on my most proudest moment as a mom thus far and there isn’t one moment that I can pinpoint. Being a mom is or the most rewarding job I’ve ever had. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of pooter and how I can do better as a parent or be a better person for him.  I realized that my proudest moment is all the time. Just knowing that I want to be the best person I can for pooter is a great thing. I’m proud when I look at his precious face and I see his smile, my proudest moment is when he’s bothered by something and I’m able to comfort him. My proudest moment is to be pooters mom.
I love being a mom and everything that comes with it, pooter is a genuine blessing. So, how was your mother's day and what has been your proudest moment thus far as a mom?


  1. Sounds like a perfect day! Happy Mother's Day!

  2. i totally agree with you, being a mom is the absolute best thing in the world.. looks like you all had a blast...
